Greetings, Those of Questionable Hygeine!
... Yeah. I figured "Greetings, Earthlings" was getting old. :P
Anyway, enough of that. I have completed yet another new track (which makes two within the span of a week, good god). The newest addition to my collection is Final Fantasy: Sky Corruption, a mix of the Floating Continent theme from Final Fantasy 6.
I like this one a lot (both the original and my cover of it) because of how brilliantly unorthodox it is. Then again, Nobuo has a penchant for that, so I shouldn't be too surprised. But regardless, this turned out better than I expected and it was less challenging, too.
So, enjoy! And meanwhile, here are some other upcoming features:
Chrono Trigger: Black Destiny
Game(s): Chrono Trigger
Song(s): The Black Omen
One of my favourites from Chrono Trigger, the theme from the Black Omen, the intimidating piece of architecture within which resides Queen Zeal for all eternity - until Crono busts on in and kicks her pompous, royal butt. It's a beautiful piece, really, and once again I think I can do a decent job of bringing it to Newgrounds.
SMRPG: Go Go Axem Rangers!
Game(s): Super Mario RPG
Song(s): The Volcano, Power Rangers Theme Song
So I can't quite give up the Power Rangers thing. Sue me. Basically, I'm going to create a theme song for the good old Axem Rangers using the Volcano song from SMRPG and the good old theme song from the series. I think it could quite easily turn out well, but we'll have to see!
Final Fantasy: Swallow of Fear
Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Song(s): Final Dungeon Theme
Some of my older fans will probably wonder why I'm planning on a Final Fantasy VII remix, having previously stated that I avoid FF7 like the plague. However, I have to admit that the intimidating, dark, haunting and yet somehow awe-inspiring song you hear as you march down the crater and into Sephy's lair is one of the most memorable of the final dungeon themes in the series. As such, I'd like to commemmorate it.
Final Fantasy: Blue Eternal
Game(s): Final Fantasy III
Song(s): The Boundless Ocean
This one is a request from Taymaster, for which I think he's probably waited long enough. Once I wrap my mind around how I want to get it started, I'll be hoofing it. The song is the theme of the flooded overworld in the game Final Fantasy III (the Japanese version, of course... all die-hard FF geeks would know what I was talking about).
As usual, direct any requests to my inbox and I'll be happy to give them a look. And please browse my stuff and leave some reviews! I love getting reviews. ^_^
Yours truly and faithfully!