I'm Kyle, amateur mixer. My work is based mostly on games, though I dip in and out of originality as a break every so often. Mixing is my primary way to waste time, but I write plenty of fan fiction as well, which is available at the website below. :-)

Age 37, Male


Brock University

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 9/29/05

Exp Points:
780 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.11 votes
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bitium-ribbon's News

Posted by bitium-ribbon - November 23rd, 2008

Definitely finished my third song this month. What the hell?

Anyway, this one was actually ON my to-do list, so now I feel productive. It's a mix of the Fourside theme from Earthbound - well, okay, closer to a cover than that. But either way, I like it and it's nice and peaceful so I'll stick with it when I'm doing homework.

Meanwhile, a few more are in the works, one of which I'm completely stuck on, so we'll see where that goes. I'm rambling and I know it, but whatever... it's been a party hardy weekend.

Cheers to all!

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New Song - Earthbound: Peace at Fourside

Posted by bitium-ribbon - November 13th, 2008

Yet another new song that isn't in the official line-up I have in front of me. *Sigh*

Anyway, the result of the last two days of incessant procrastination has brought out a piece of music that has been a very long time coming. One of my favourite Final Fantasy themes:

"Loss" from Final Fantasy V.

Check it out if you have a moment.

Anyway, nothing much is new aside from essays and other paperwork, but as such I may be invisible for a little while as I get the more societally important aspects of my life in order. However, you can expect to hear from me soon enough!

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New Song - Final Fantasy: Fallen Tide

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 31st, 2008

In honour of Halloween, my newest song has been completed!

I call it Halloween for Smithy, a mix of a couple of my favourite Super Mario RPG battle themes - to hear more, go check out the song.

And meanwhile, do feast on sweets galore and dress in overly slutty or stereotypical outfits this Halloween, because tradition is a fine thing, and why should a young lady show dignity and dress in a manner that covers her privates when she can be a whore-bag and get away with it? And as for us gay men, why shouldn't we dress as ho-bags ourselves? Drag queens are always fun to be around!

At any rate, wishing you all the best in orange and black this Halloween season!

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New Song: Halloween for Smithy!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 27th, 2008

I never really thought I'd get popular enough for this to happen, but it has: my music has been, shall we say, teefed.

YouTubers, as I should have expected, have been putting up my music without giving me credit, and taking compliments and other such reviews about them with the grace of someone lying through their bullshittery little teeth.

EDIT: The music mentioned above has been credited and/or removed - my thanks to the two YouTube users involved!

So, in light of that, I now have a YouTube Channel that you may go and visit at your leisure, which will within the next week contain all of my music in nice, Bitium-approved video form.

Cheers to all!

Peeps be stealin'!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 22nd, 2008

First of all... wow. I feel old. I'm 21. If I had the sudden urge to go to the States, I could drink there. Wow. Happy birthday to me. :S

Things I have learned this year:
- Never, EVER, piss off the bouncer at a gay bar.
- Sugar is sweet, but coolers are sweeter and give you a much better hangover.
- Geekdom is seldom appreciated when pulled from the shores of the internet.
- MMORPG's are to be avoided if you are already suffering from malnutrition.
- Yahtzee Croshaw is my new favourite person in the world.
- New York is... f***ing enormous.
- Marching in the Pride Parade is much more fun than just watching it, because it's LOOOONG.
- If you put your mind to something, it had better not have to do with RPG Maker or you'll be there all day.
- Newgrounds is more addictive than cocaine.
- ... and so is Facebook.
- ... and so are The Sims.
- Spore is okay, but Heroes of Might and Magic III will always be the epitome of awesome.
- ... right after Final Fantasy.

Now. Song list for the upcoming time ahead!

Requested Tracks:

- Live A Live, Odio mix. Requested by Taymaster.
- Chrono Trigger, Spekkio's theme. Requested by Verin100.
- Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls, final battle theme. Requested by TailsIsUseless.
- Castlevanian: Curse of Darkness, abandoned castle theme. Requested by FulcanARyst.

While I may not get to these in this exact order (that Live A Live one will be particularly difficult), I will be doing all of them eventually, so stay tuned for them!

Upcoming Brainstorms

- Earthbound, Fourside theme.
- Earthbound, title screen music.
- Final Fantasy 9, assorted tracks - including Beatrix's theme, You Are Not Alone, etc.
- Seiken Densetsu 3, Tzenker's theme.

And those are just a few. I have my work cut out for me, but if you happen to want to toss something onto the end of this list, feel free to drop me a line!

Cheers to all!

- Bitium Ribbon -

Posted by bitium-ribbon - September 23rd, 2008

Hello all!

Finally got a new song done, now that my computer is working properly.

I have completed what was a request from FulcanARyst, a mix of the Final Fantasy 1 battle theme. I won't go on and on about it, but go and check it out and leave a review!

Next in the works, another request - this one from Taymaster, for a mix of some songs from an obscure RPG called Live-A-Live.

The things I do for my fans. *shakes head*

Oh well. Peace out!

New Song: Final Fantasy: Chaos Theory

Posted by bitium-ribbon - September 15th, 2008

So, some of my fans (if I have any) may have noticed that I haven't been around a lot for some time now.

Let me give you the saga.

It all began when I was working on Blue Eternal. I was placing a note in the step sequencer (I remember this perfectly, thank God I had saved merely two seconds before) and I was about to place another when suddenly I was no longer looking at Blue Eternal, but rather at the Eternal Blue Screen of Death. So I thought, "hmm, this is unusual," and rebooted.

Unfortunately, that did not solve the problem. A mere ten minutes later, yet another Blue Screen of Death permeated its way into my music-making. Again, I thought "that's odd," and began to wonder if the problem might not be with my computer.

Alas, the problem persisted, and the computer wouldn't even start.

Eventually I got it working again and finished Blue Eternal, but with the threat looming over my head that I might lose all the work I had ever done on any given project (especially as I consistently forget to hit the "Save" button; this has cost me hours of work before) I didn't think it would be smart to start something else.

Now, I have news! I will be returning to the land of Newgrounds very soon, because, lo and behold, today I get my new computer! *Dances and rejoices*

My next project, at the behest of FulcanARyst, will be Final Fantasy: Battle Begins (and if anyone can think of a better title, please PM me). It's a mix of the Final Fantasy 1 battle theme, a challenge I was more than happy to take. Work is slightly underway... I did in fact lose some of it to the Blue Screen of Motherf**ker, but there has been progress.

Stay tuned and make sandwiches, not war!

Oh, and don't vote for Stephen Harper. Seriously, the guy's a nutjob.

-Bitium Ribbon-

Posted by bitium-ribbon - July 29th, 2008

So apparently I'm a dirty rotten liar and my computer *does* work. Meh.

Anyway, finished up my latest Final Fantasy mix, which I have called Final Fantasy: Blue Eternal. It's a mix-up of The Boundless Ocean and Deep Under The Water from Final Fantasy 3j, and was a request from Taymaster.

Next on the list is a mix of the final dungeon theme from Final Fantasy 7 (*shudder* It makes me cringe to think about doing it) and I have no idea when that will appear. Stay tuned!

EDIT: If I ever figure out who the d****packer is that goes around voting zero on anything in the top ranks, I'm going to send him a computer virus.

New Final Fantasy Mix!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - July 28th, 2008

Hey-lo, one and all. Bad news. I am currently suffering a computer meltdown, for lack of a better word for it, and until I have secured a new computer, I will not be doing any mixing or whatever else.

So sorry for the inconvenience, and I will post when my situation changes.


Posted by bitium-ribbon - June 25th, 2008

Greetings, Those of Questionable Hygeine!

... Yeah. I figured "Greetings, Earthlings" was getting old. :P

Anyway, enough of that. I have completed yet another new track (which makes two within the span of a week, good god). The newest addition to my collection is Final Fantasy: Sky Corruption, a mix of the Floating Continent theme from Final Fantasy 6.

I like this one a lot (both the original and my cover of it) because of how brilliantly unorthodox it is. Then again, Nobuo has a penchant for that, so I shouldn't be too surprised. But regardless, this turned out better than I expected and it was less challenging, too.

So, enjoy! And meanwhile, here are some other upcoming features:

Chrono Trigger: Black Destiny

Game(s): Chrono Trigger
Song(s): The Black Omen

One of my favourites from Chrono Trigger, the theme from the Black Omen, the intimidating piece of architecture within which resides Queen Zeal for all eternity - until Crono busts on in and kicks her pompous, royal butt. It's a beautiful piece, really, and once again I think I can do a decent job of bringing it to Newgrounds.

SMRPG: Go Go Axem Rangers!

Game(s): Super Mario RPG
Song(s): The Volcano, Power Rangers Theme Song

So I can't quite give up the Power Rangers thing. Sue me. Basically, I'm going to create a theme song for the good old Axem Rangers using the Volcano song from SMRPG and the good old theme song from the series. I think it could quite easily turn out well, but we'll have to see!

Final Fantasy: Swallow of Fear

Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Song(s): Final Dungeon Theme

Some of my older fans will probably wonder why I'm planning on a Final Fantasy VII remix, having previously stated that I avoid FF7 like the plague. However, I have to admit that the intimidating, dark, haunting and yet somehow awe-inspiring song you hear as you march down the crater and into Sephy's lair is one of the most memorable of the final dungeon themes in the series. As such, I'd like to commemmorate it.

Final Fantasy: Blue Eternal

Game(s): Final Fantasy III
Song(s): The Boundless Ocean

This one is a request from Taymaster, for which I think he's probably waited long enough. Once I wrap my mind around how I want to get it started, I'll be hoofing it. The song is the theme of the flooded overworld in the game Final Fantasy III (the Japanese version, of course... all die-hard FF geeks would know what I was talking about).


As usual, direct any requests to my inbox and I'll be happy to give them a look. And please browse my stuff and leave some reviews! I love getting reviews. ^_^

Yours truly and faithfully!

Final Fantasy: Sky Corruption!