I'm Kyle, amateur mixer. My work is based mostly on games, though I dip in and out of originality as a break every so often. Mixing is my primary way to waste time, but I write plenty of fan fiction as well, which is available at the website below. :-)

Age 37, Male


Brock University

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 9/29/05

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780 / 900
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bitium-ribbon's News

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 22nd, 2009

So that little leap from 21 to 22 has been made. I am officially old! I am past the point where 'legal' is an issue, short of car rentals, and I don't do many of those.

I would take time to reflect on this transition, but really... I need to shower.

Happy birthday to me!


Posted by bitium-ribbon - September 23rd, 2009


I have to say, two songs within seven days is pretty good for me, especially since I'm coming out of a 5 month lull. So, that said, I give you Metal Symphonic... and I have typed out the description for it so many times now that I'm not going to bother this time. It's eclectic as all hell, possibly the most random project I've ever done (this includes Insurgence BR) and I'm going to bed.

Please follow this link and review/vote/otherwise enjoy.

Nighty night folks!

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ANOTHER Song! Metal Symphonic

Posted by bitium-ribbon - September 19th, 2009


It has been for EVER since I posted anything new, so it's nice to finally get back in here!

When I posted The Hunt I originally said it might be October before I posted again, and I swear to god, I thought I was joking! But MAN did I ever come close to fulfilling that prophecy. God damn.

In any case, it's an original I basically started at 1:00 am last night, worked for an hour, went to bed, got up ten hours later, and then finished in another couple of hours. And I like it, I really do. Random 1am projects really seem to work well for me.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. Let me know what you think by clicking here. More to come soon!

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/* */

BR - Galaxy Edge

Posted by bitium-ribbon - July 25th, 2009

So, I have gone through a tiny little change of image, as you might have noticed. With that I hope will come a little flash of inspiration so that I can actually get a project finished. I have started a couple, but I will not betray what they consist of yet.

I have been doing a lot of fan fiction work, which is part of why there haven't been many updates. The other part is simply because I have not been able to sit down and focus on making music. I'm hoping to have something done soon, maybe at the end of this weekend.

Meanwhile, sit tight! There will be stuffs to come, I promise!

EDIT: Briefly but completely forgot: I would like to thank CAPSed for her help with my new look - more of her work can be found here.

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An update!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - March 26th, 2009

Righo! Took me long enough, but there's a new mix among my list.

I've mixed up the battle themes from Final Fantasy 7, 10 and 3 to produce Final Fantasy: The Hunt, which... well, God knows if it lives up to the precedent I've set for it, but go check it out and vote/review anyway! If anything, it'll only be 3:35 out of your life.

Still to come: LOTS of shat. I have a long, long list ahead of me but I'll get through it eventually, folks! If you made a request to me and I still haven't done it, do me a favour (because I'm making sure my list is accurate) and comment here with your original request because I'll write it down somewhere permanent.

Cheers all!

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Battle Mix Series, Episode 3: The Hunt!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - March 1st, 2009

And that's because I like using Roman numerals. It makes me feel important. Or if not important, at least as though I have a little class. Which I might not, but who's asking?

Enough rambling. As Yahtzee might say, the point I'm trying laboriously to get to is that I have made a new song, entitled "Battle Music II" (which as of 12:51 on Sunday I am re-rendering to cut the remainder of the echo off of the end, because it is a loop, after all).

So check it out! BR - Battle Music 2. Go ahead, click it, I'll wait.
Have you clicked it yet? No?
Well, damn it, I can't wait forever. Let's go.
Still? *sigh* Fine. Be that way.

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From 3 in the morning: BR - Battle Music II

Posted by bitium-ribbon - February 5th, 2009

And about effing time!!

Sheesh. This song took me FOREVER!

Well, of course, we can factor in the whole "I'm at school, I have homework, I'm running a club, I write fanfiction" bullshit, but ultimately the real question is: if good ol' Bitium hadn't eaten too many tacos on Tuesday, would this song have been up Wednesday?

Short answer: ... no.

Long answer: ... Bitium didn't eat tacos on Tuesday.


Tzenker Smash is up, and I do hope you enjoy it!

EDIT: Tetris Infusion, my second project up in a span of less than four days (a broken record, I assure you) is now up as well! Rejoice.

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New Song: SeikenDensetsu3: Tzenker Smash!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - December 26th, 2008

Right, so Christmas morning was so hectic I didn't get a chance until now to post my Christmas wishes, so Merry Whatever-You-Celebrate to everyone! May it be filled with joy and cheer, friends and family.

My Christmas submission is up, please give me a listen and tell me what you think. It is called Secret of Mana: Christmas Snow and it is a mix of the Frosty Fields theme from Secret of Mana.

Love and season's wishes to everyone!

New song, and Merry (Belated) Christmas!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - December 23rd, 2008

Yeah. I definitely randomly did a Mario mix... and... ...

Yeah, I'll go hang my head in shame now.

SUCH a cop-out.


Oh  dear lord.

Posted by bitium-ribbon - December 11th, 2008

Just making a quick little side note about how happy I am that the Newgrounds colour scheme currently matches mind. XD

New songs probably won't be coming until the new year unless I'm lucky. Stay tuned!