A year and four months or so down the line from the last thing I put up here, which was a freaking April Fool's joke, now seems like as good a time as any for an update.
To any fans I still have, I apologize for the long period of absence, and it would probably be fair to inform you that it will be continuing - I've kind of been doing this for a year, but just to make it official, in order to focus on finishing up school and delve more into my writing work, I'm taking an indefinite leave of absence from remixes and music. Not that it ain't fun, but until I can afford to purchase and work with the kinds of sounds and samples I really want to use and amp up the quality of my work to a better level, I want to shift my focus.
So! Concerning the massive backlog of requests I've racked up by now, if you have any, please leave them as a comment to this post, because that's the only way I'll remember them when I eventually get back here. Don't worry, this account isn't going anywhere, and if you feel like listening to the stuff that's up, please feel free!
In the meantime, you can check out some of my fan fiction work (which will still be continuing to receive sporadic updates) at this link right here.
Adios, amigos!