So, some of my fans (if I have any) may have noticed that I haven't been around a lot for some time now.
Let me give you the saga.
It all began when I was working on Blue Eternal. I was placing a note in the step sequencer (I remember this perfectly, thank God I had saved merely two seconds before) and I was about to place another when suddenly I was no longer looking at Blue Eternal, but rather at the Eternal Blue Screen of Death. So I thought, "hmm, this is unusual," and rebooted.
Unfortunately, that did not solve the problem. A mere ten minutes later, yet another Blue Screen of Death permeated its way into my music-making. Again, I thought "that's odd," and began to wonder if the problem might not be with my computer.
Alas, the problem persisted, and the computer wouldn't even start.
Eventually I got it working again and finished Blue Eternal, but with the threat looming over my head that I might lose all the work I had ever done on any given project (especially as I consistently forget to hit the "Save" button; this has cost me hours of work before) I didn't think it would be smart to start something else.
Now, I have news! I will be returning to the land of Newgrounds very soon, because, lo and behold, today I get my new computer! *Dances and rejoices*
My next project, at the behest of FulcanARyst, will be Final Fantasy: Battle Begins (and if anyone can think of a better title, please PM me). It's a mix of the Final Fantasy 1 battle theme, a challenge I was more than happy to take. Work is slightly underway... I did in fact lose some of it to the Blue Screen of Motherf**ker, but there has been progress.
Stay tuned and make sandwiches, not war!
Oh, and don't vote for Stephen Harper. Seriously, the guy's a nutjob.
-Bitium Ribbon-
Hey man, thanks again for taking up this project, I really appreciate it, and I can't wait to hear it!
Fulcan A. Ryst