I'm Kyle, amateur mixer. My work is based mostly on games, though I dip in and out of originality as a break every so often. Mixing is my primary way to waste time, but I write plenty of fan fiction as well, which is available at the website below. :-)

Age 37, Male


Brock University

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 9/29/05

Exp Points:
780 / 900
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Vote Power:
5.11 votes
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bitium-ribbon's News

Posted by bitium-ribbon - June 14th, 2008

Greetings, Earthlings!

Haah, I never get tired of saying that.

Anyway, the first song I've managed to finish since coming back from France is now up: Ultimate Zero Beta, the long-awaited (in my own pretty little head) remake of my first-ever submission to Newgrounds, Ultimate Zero. It is a compilation of Zeromus from Final Fantasy IV, The Fierce Battle (Atma) from Final Fantasy VI, and the immortal J-E-N-O-V-A from Final Fantasy VII.

The latter two of which I botched on the first try.

So, now that I've had the chance to redeem myself, please feel free to listen and review!

Other Items on the Mix List:

Final Fantasy: Sky Corruption

Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Song(s): The Floating Continent (whatever the name of that song actually is... if someone knows, please tell me)

This song is one of my favourites from Final Fantasy 6, and I was thinking about it the other day and decided that I could probably do a decent cover of it. So, it may end up being a cover and it may end up being mixed with something else (I'm toying with Musica Machina from Final Fantasy V as a possible symbiont here) but it's all very up in the air now.

Chrono Trigger: Black Destiny

Game(s): Chrono Trigger
Song(s): The Black Omen (once again, I don't know the real name of the song, yadda-yadda)

One of my favourites from Chrono Trigger, the theme from the Black Omen, the intimidating piece of architecture within which resides Queen Zeal for all eternity - until Crono busts on in and kicks her pompous, royal butt. It's a beautiful piece, really, and once again I think I can do a decent job of bringing it to Newgrounds.

SMRPG: Go Go Axem Rangers!

Game(s): Super Mario RPG
Song(s): The Volcano, Power Rangers Theme Song

So I can't quite give up the Power Rangers thing. Sue me. Basically, I'm going to create a theme song for the good old Axem Rangers using the Volcano song from SMRPG and the good old theme song from the series. I think it could quite easily turn out well, but we'll have to see!

Final Fantasy: Swallow of Fear

Game(s): Final Fantasy VII
Song(s): Final Dungeon Theme

Some of my older fans will probably wonder why I'm planning on a Final Fantasy VII remix, having previously stated that I avoid FF7 like the plague. However, I have to admit that the intimidating, dark, haunting and yet somehow awe-inspiring song you hear as you march down the crater and into Sephy's lair is one of the most memorable of the final dungeon themes in the series. As such, I'd like to commemmorate it.

If you have a preference out of these or any suggestions (don't worry, Taymaster, I haven't forgotten you), please feel free to send me a message.

Meanwhile, I'm off to other things. Toodles!

The Rebirth of Ultimate Zero

Posted by bitium-ribbon - May 26th, 2008

Greetings, Earthlings!

So, today is the day I return from France, and I have an armada of things up my sleeve for the summer season of Bitium Ribbon's musical score. Just a few sneak peeks at some upcoming projects that will be in the works with the tide:

- Final Fantasy: Sky Corruption

Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Song(s): The Floating Continent (whatever the name of that song actually is... if someone knows, please tell me)

This song is one of my favourites from Final Fantasy 6, and I was thinking about it the other day and decided that I could probably do a decent cover of it. So, it may end up being a cover and it may end up being mixed with something else (I'm toying with Musica Machina from Final Fantasy V as a possible symbiont here) but it's all very up in the air now.

- Chrono Trigger: Black Destiny

Game(s): Chrono Trigger
Song(s): The Black Omen (once again, I don't know the real name of the song, yadda-yadda)

One of my favourites from Chrono Trigger, the theme from the Black Omen, the intimidating piece of architecture within which resides Queen Zeal for all eternity - until Crono busts on in and kicks her pompous, royal butt. It's a beautiful piece, really, and once again I think I can do a decent job of bringing it to Newgrounds.

- Final Fantasy: Ultimate Zero B

Game(s): Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII
Song(s): Zeromus, Atma, J-E-N-O-V-A

Some of you may already be familiar with Ultimate Zero, my first-ever submission to Newgrounds. In honour of that (and of the fact that I think I royally screwed up the Jenova part) I am going to re-do it and bring you a remastering that I will be calling Ultimate Zero Beta. If you want the right to have an opinion about this, please go and listen to Ultimate Zero and tell me what you think could sound better. Myself, I think all of it could.


These three are just the beginning of my list of projects to be (hopefully) completed by the end of the summer, although that list may well keep growing. Any of you reading this, please do the following:

1) If you have a preference out of the ones I have listed here for you, please send me a message to let me know, because I will be starting these projects by virtue of how many votes they get (that is, the order in which I do them).

2) If you have a request to make, please do it soon, and please do send it, because chances are I will get to it eventually. :)

That will be all for today. Cheers!

- Bitium Ribbon -

Posted by bitium-ribbon - May 1st, 2008


If you would like to receive notice of my new songs as they come (because God knows I could use the attention/reviews) then please send me a message and I'll put you on a list. :P

Cheers from France!


I shall be in France for the next three weeks and as such I will not be doing any mixing or creating!
When I get back, however, I expect to be fully in the groove again, but don't miss me too much while I'm gone!

Vive la France!!


First Lufia, and now this? I'm really getting out into the wilderness here.

Nonetheless, I have completed Castlevania: Tears of Bood (yes, I know, I SO could have come up with a better title than that for a mix of "Bloody Tears," shaddap) at the request (ages ago) of Verin100 - which is getting to be a bit of a tradition around here. He requests something, and out of the goodness of my heart, it ends up on my page.

Anyway, please listen and enjoy and review! I love the feedback. :)

Ta ta!


Uncharted Territory, Yet Again

Posted by bitium-ribbon - April 22nd, 2008

On Thursday, April 17th, 2008, Elinor Sara Eaton, a very valuable and close friend and someone with whom I shared some of the best times of my life, passed away.

It was sudden and shocking, and I know that I have not yet managed to process in my mind that she is gone...

I'll always remember the good times, Ellie. I'll remember how you and I used to have normal contests, seeing who could blink with the most regularity. I'll remember the time we spent at the cottage, watching Jake take his shirt off or this or that. I'll remember the time we spent here, either geeking it up on the Sims or having sleepovers or just hanging out. I'll remember the time we spent at your house, doing the same. I'll remember the times I talked you out of grief... I'll remember the times you were there for me. I'll remember how you were always the brightest ray of sunshine around, even on the cloudiest day, and how your laugh could always make me smile.

I'll remember how strange you were while you claimed to be normal. I'll remember all the times on the hill near Starbucks where we spent all that time. I'll remember how we once walked through Scarberia in the middle of the night after dying rainbows into my hair to go to a little park and talk about how I was getting old, how I would soon be 20 years old.

And I'll remember how we made our coffee date that day, so that in ten years... in 2017... you and I would go to a Starbucks, no matter how long it had been since we were last together.

I love you Ellie and you will never be forgotten as long as I live.

Posted by bitium-ribbon - April 12th, 2008

Dancing Mad: Esperoid is finally finisheD!

After months of toil and drudgery, Dancing Mad: Esperoid has been completed! .... and had to be split into two chunks due to file size constraints.


Anywhoo, I have finally completed what I set out forever ago to do: create a tribute to perhaps one of the foremost masterpieces of video game music ever seen or heard. Nobuo Uematsu is a genius, that is all that need be said.

I would like to take a moment to b!tch about the fact that I needed to put it into two chunks:


Anyway, I think I'll survive. The song has now become Dancing Mad: Esperoid, Part 1 and Part 2, and please listen to both and review!

To the fans who made this ridiculousness of ambition and sleeplessness possible: my heart goes out to all of you!


- Bitium

It's Finally Here!!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - March 30th, 2008

It has been an interesting month for mixing - I think that's three in March. Wow.

Anyway I'm ringing in what will soon be April with the little piece of ridiculousness features below which I have called Matrix BR. Since I was at the gym today and don't have the energy to type out the saga, I shall give you the copy-paste from the song itself:



This started out as me trying to come up with a new set of sounds for my computer. I already have a set I made myself, but I am getting bored of those and now feel like creating some new ones.

It was in the process of this endeavor that I randomly - and I do mean RANDOMLY - began this strange but, I think, nice creation which I henceforth completed in an hour and a half of steady procrastination (from my homework, not this project). I still don't have my homework done, but on the bright side, I have now once again added to my repertoire of original work, which is now, I think, at three songs.

Quiver in fear.

In fact, I like this song, mostly because I just took it and ran with it, and I am rarely able to do that. Please listen and leave a review, because I do so enjoy reading them, and I also want to hear whether this is a decent piece of work or if it's one for the scrap pile. :)


Which just about sums it up. Cheers to everybody!


*EDIT* Woohoo! The list of my stuff is now long enough to have a scroll bar! *Pumps fist in air*


*EDIT 2* Oh god. I just put in a power star loop. Oh god. -_-

Holy. Holy moley indeed.

Posted by bitium-ribbon - March 21st, 2008

Well well, aren't we just churning out the music lately?

A new mix is now up. It is entitled "The Clash." It is a sequel to "The Strike," and is basically a compilation of requests I got after The Strike was put up. Anyone who likes Final Fantasy (specifically, 4 5 and 9), I recommend you have a listen and leave a review!

This one took me longer than I expected, but the result, I feel, was well worth it - I really, really like how it went. And it ended up being so different than I thought it would be, even different from The Strike in many ways...

So yeah. I likes it. Plz listen, kthxbai. :P

Next project on the list is, as usual, Dancing Mad, but I probably will, as usual, occupy myself with something else before I manage that.



*EDIT* The first two tiers of Dancing Mad are done! Doing the third now!

And it is SEQUEL TIME!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - March 9th, 2008

No mistake at all! It's true! It's really true!

For the first time in two years, Bitium Ribbon, the perma-remixer so afraid to come out of his shell that he can only commit to the idolatry of everyone else's music, has made an original song!

Holy shit-flinging monkeys!

Anyway, hence we have Revelation BR, a product of random fiddling on FruityLoops and a total time frame of less than four hours. Thus, not my best work. But apparently my little séjour into the art of original techno has paid off. I like it. I actually like it.

So, I may or may not continue to do this business. However, my remix work will still keep coming, as per usual. Stay tuned, my loyal fans!

... all three of you!

- Bitium

*Gasp* There must be some mistake!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - March 5th, 2008

Well, yes.

I have finished up Final Fantasy: Veiled Wind, and barring any other delays I should be able to get moving on Dancing Mad: A Tribute.

After that I'm open to any suggestions (I recently had one from Verin100), and I plan on doing multiple-song mixes again. I miss those days. I think the next multi-song mix I do will be a follow-up to The Strike (maybe something like The Counter-Strike) with the blended battle themes of Final Fantasies 4, 5 and 9. We shall see.

I was also thinking about finishing up my Tetrises by doing a mix of Theme C, but I have no idea how I'd go about that one yet.

Anywhoo, enjoy the wind!

Another song? So soon?

Posted by bitium-ribbon - March 4th, 2008


These days there's no such thing as bad publicity, so I suppose it's a good thing I've decided to be decidedly public about my decision to cover the Secret of Mana boss theme, and it's getting some attention! Yay!

Having said that, since I love hearing both praise and criticism for my work, please head over and find Secret of Mana: Clear Danger and give me a vote/review - it'll only help me improve my work so that I can better serve you all.

Upcoming projects in the works:
- Final Fantasy: Veiled Wind. It's been a while since I did a Final Fantasy mix and this will be the next in what has become a long-ish line of them. It's a mix of the overworld theme from Final Fantasy 3 (that's Final Fantasy 3 for the Nintendo, not for the SNES) and I started it far too long ago to be able to excuse myself for not having finished it. So, I think that's my next project.

And then, finally:
- Dancing Mad: A Tribute. If I can ever get out of mixer's block and finish this thing, I hope that it will be epic. Dancing Mad is the final boss theme from Final Fantasy 6 (or 3, as it was released in the US, and yes, this one is the SNES version), and as far as I am concerned it is an almighty masterpiece of masterpieces from the good man Nobuo himself. So, I'm tributing it by making my own version. I do hope that it's enjoyable when it's finally done.

That shall be all for today, but I shall keep on truckin'. Good day to you all!

Bringin' Secret of Mana Back!