First of all... wow. I feel old. I'm 21. If I had the sudden urge to go to the States, I could drink there. Wow. Happy birthday to me. :S
Things I have learned this year:
- Never, EVER, piss off the bouncer at a gay bar.
- Sugar is sweet, but coolers are sweeter and give you a much better hangover.
- Geekdom is seldom appreciated when pulled from the shores of the internet.
- MMORPG's are to be avoided if you are already suffering from malnutrition.
- Yahtzee Croshaw is my new favourite person in the world.
- New York is... f***ing enormous.
- Marching in the Pride Parade is much more fun than just watching it, because it's LOOOONG.
- If you put your mind to something, it had better not have to do with RPG Maker or you'll be there all day.
- Newgrounds is more addictive than cocaine.
- ... and so is Facebook.
- ... and so are The Sims.
- Spore is okay, but Heroes of Might and Magic III will always be the epitome of awesome.
- ... right after Final Fantasy.
Now. Song list for the upcoming time ahead!
Requested Tracks:
- Live A Live, Odio mix. Requested by Taymaster.
- Chrono Trigger, Spekkio's theme. Requested by Verin100.
- Final Fantasy: Dawn of Souls, final battle theme. Requested by TailsIsUseless.
- Castlevanian: Curse of Darkness, abandoned castle theme. Requested by FulcanARyst.
While I may not get to these in this exact order (that Live A Live one will be particularly difficult), I will be doing all of them eventually, so stay tuned for them!
Upcoming Brainstorms
- Earthbound, Fourside theme.
- Earthbound, title screen music.
- Final Fantasy 9, assorted tracks - including Beatrix's theme, You Are Not Alone, etc.
- Seiken Densetsu 3, Tzenker's theme.
And those are just a few. I have my work cut out for me, but if you happen to want to toss something onto the end of this list, feel free to drop me a line!
Cheers to all!
- Bitium Ribbon -
Lol@Things you've learnt.