If you would like to receive notice of my new songs as they come (because God knows I could use the attention/reviews) then please send me a message and I'll put you on a list. :P
Cheers from France!
I shall be in France for the next three weeks and as such I will not be doing any mixing or creating!
When I get back, however, I expect to be fully in the groove again, but don't miss me too much while I'm gone!
Vive la France!!
First Lufia, and now this? I'm really getting out into the wilderness here.
Nonetheless, I have completed Castlevania: Tears of Bood (yes, I know, I SO could have come up with a better title than that for a mix of "Bloody Tears," shaddap) at the request (ages ago) of Verin100 - which is getting to be a bit of a tradition around here. He requests something, and out of the goodness of my heart, it ends up on my page.
Anyway, please listen and enjoy and review! I love the feedback. :)
Ta ta!
Also, in my reveiw for it. where I said "make", I ment "match. keep that in mind. "
Don't know how I screwed that up though.