I'm Kyle, amateur mixer. My work is based mostly on games, though I dip in and out of originality as a break every so often. Mixing is my primary way to waste time, but I write plenty of fan fiction as well, which is available at the website below. :-)

Age 37, Male


Brock University

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 9/29/05

Exp Points:
780 / 900
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5.11 votes
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The Great Return!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - May 26th, 2008

Greetings, Earthlings!

So, today is the day I return from France, and I have an armada of things up my sleeve for the summer season of Bitium Ribbon's musical score. Just a few sneak peeks at some upcoming projects that will be in the works with the tide:

- Final Fantasy: Sky Corruption

Game(s): Final Fantasy VI
Song(s): The Floating Continent (whatever the name of that song actually is... if someone knows, please tell me)

This song is one of my favourites from Final Fantasy 6, and I was thinking about it the other day and decided that I could probably do a decent cover of it. So, it may end up being a cover and it may end up being mixed with something else (I'm toying with Musica Machina from Final Fantasy V as a possible symbiont here) but it's all very up in the air now.

- Chrono Trigger: Black Destiny

Game(s): Chrono Trigger
Song(s): The Black Omen (once again, I don't know the real name of the song, yadda-yadda)

One of my favourites from Chrono Trigger, the theme from the Black Omen, the intimidating piece of architecture within which resides Queen Zeal for all eternity - until Crono busts on in and kicks her pompous, royal butt. It's a beautiful piece, really, and once again I think I can do a decent job of bringing it to Newgrounds.

- Final Fantasy: Ultimate Zero B

Game(s): Final Fantasy IV, Final Fantasy VI, Final Fantasy VII
Song(s): Zeromus, Atma, J-E-N-O-V-A

Some of you may already be familiar with Ultimate Zero, my first-ever submission to Newgrounds. In honour of that (and of the fact that I think I royally screwed up the Jenova part) I am going to re-do it and bring you a remastering that I will be calling Ultimate Zero Beta. If you want the right to have an opinion about this, please go and listen to Ultimate Zero and tell me what you think could sound better. Myself, I think all of it could.


These three are just the beginning of my list of projects to be (hopefully) completed by the end of the summer, although that list may well keep growing. Any of you reading this, please do the following:

1) If you have a preference out of the ones I have listed here for you, please send me a message to let me know, because I will be starting these projects by virtue of how many votes they get (that is, the order in which I do them).

2) If you have a request to make, please do it soon, and please do send it, because chances are I will get to it eventually. :)

That will be all for today. Cheers!

- Bitium Ribbon -


[insert reminder to use The boundless ocean here]

also, I'd like to see an improvement upon Ultimate Zero.

You and me both. Every time I listen to it I just hear nails on a chalkboard.

Oh yes, boundless ocean, good call. Remind me what game that was from and I'll put it on my list.

Glad you're back. I need to speak to you on msn.

Got it. Won't be online much at all today but I'll see what I can do.

The boundless ocean: Flooed overworld map, Final Fantasy III.

In the DS one, that is. the same theme is used in teh NES version, but that one is called Time remains.

I have that version, so that's probably the one I'll do. Thanks for the heads-up!

Ima have to say that I would like to hear black omen done by you.
and what's this nonsense about someone else making requests? That's my thang ;-)

anyway, still haven't seen you online. still out with your parentals?

No, I've been online and YOU haven't! lol

You have which version? o.o

damn that context worked out badly.

That it did. I have the NES version. I want to play the DS really badly but I don't have a DS. lol

For the record, Midis of both versions can be heard on VGmusic.

Unfortunately MIDIs suck. :P
That, plus I am a hardcore traditionalist when it comes to Final Fantasy; I only play the SNES and NES originals of 1-6 (discounting the GBA versions of 5 and 4 but since the music didn't change it totally doesn't matter) and therefore only mix the music of those ones.

Yeah ok, I'm fickle. :P


The music is exactly the same in the DS one. the DS one is just much higher quality.

Oh, I totally just realized you only said the name was different. lol

Still, I'll base it on the original NES version - I already have that one and it leaves me room to compromise with fewer extra improvements in the base material.