I'm Kyle, amateur mixer. My work is based mostly on games, though I dip in and out of originality as a break every so often. Mixing is my primary way to waste time, but I write plenty of fan fiction as well, which is available at the website below. :-)

Age 37, Male


Brock University

Ontario, Canada

Joined on 9/29/05

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780 / 900
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bitium-ribbon's News

Posted by bitium-ribbon - December 3rd, 2007

You know, I'm liking this wintery scheme Newgrounds has going on. It goes well with my page.

Anyway, I am posting a news report today: Remix progress is going slowly, and I honestly don't know which mix will be up next, or when. So far, the top three contenders are as follows:

1 - Final Fantasy: Veiled Wind

A mix of the overworld theme from Final Fantasy 3, so named because the image of veiled wind (if it's possible to really associate that with an image) is what I always thought of when I heard it.

2 - Final Fantasy: Biomechanics

A mix of Final Fantasy IV's greatest: the main theme, and Within the Giant. I'm liking how this one is going, so I'm sorely tempted to finish it off next, but we'll see.

3 - FF/SOE: Secrets of the Sands

... that is, if that title will even fit. A pyramids mix, featuring the pyramid themes of Final Fantasy V and Secret of Evermore, both of which I always liked and I figure deserve some recognition other than Project: Majestic Mix.

Please do me a favour and if you have a preferred "next project" pick, send me a message or leave me a comment. :)

EDIT: I have just been put to intense shame by F-777. Nicely done on "Above The Clouds." *high fives*

Posted by bitium-ribbon - November 26th, 2007

First real effort mix in almost a month is now out for public ear!

This Lufia mix, originally a request by Verin100, is interesting mostly because I... have never played Lufia.


I think the song is awesome, so I did up a tribute.

Do have fun listening. :) The next one up will be Secrets of the Sands, a pyramids mix of Secret of Evermore and Final Fantasy 5.

Posted by bitium-ribbon - November 18th, 2007

So yeah, possibly the most random f***ing mix I've ever done is now up on display. Its title: Tetris Evolution.

I was bored. I started fiddling around with the ol' guitars, and next thing you know I've got a good 2 and a half minute mix. And I thought, "if this was Flash, it'd get blammed faster than you can say 'Alouette', but since it's not, what the Hell."

And there you have it folks.

Next up on the list: a Lufia mix, of all things. Stay tuned! ;-)

EDIT: Holy crap, Tetris Evolution is currently sitting at the same score as Rubigamesh. WHAT THE SCREW? :P

Posted by bitium-ribbon - November 7th, 2007

It's on its way, nowhere near done yet, but the next mix that will most likely be up is a mix of the Final Fantasy IV overworld theme and Within the Giant, another song from FFIV. I always wanted to mix Within the Giant but I hadn't had much luck until now.

So yes! That is what shall be going down. Wait for it eagerly, I say! lol

Posted by bitium-ribbon - November 6th, 2007

Hey people!

If you're going to leave me a review and you don't like my work, that's all fine and dandy. And even if you do like my work and you want to give me some criticism, sure, why the hell not.

But for Chrysler's sake, what do I look like, a witless drone who follows his orders like an obedient little puppy?

I turn to a recent review left on one of my works:
"this is a kick ass song.
but the beginning sucks.
fix it.
and dont use that gay hit5."

This person, who shall remain nameless, has made a few interesting choices of phrase here, all of which illustrate my point quite clearly.

First of all, note the vagueness of his criticism: "the beginning sucks. Fix it." Here, he fails to clarify just why the beginning sucks, nor does he tell me how he would like it fixed. Is it too long? Too short? Too quiet? Too vague? Well, whatever the reason, it apparently "sucks." Quite helpful.

Second, I don't know what delusions of grandeur are telling him he can be that bossy and rude to me and expect to have his suggestions noted: "Fix it," he says. I feel as if I'm expected to go "yes, sir, and would you like fries with that." Sure. If this dude is reading this right now, I have a quick little message for him: I don't care how many levels you have over me, you don't get to put yourself on a pedestal with MY work.

And third: "And don't use that gay hit5."

Where do I begin here? Well, let's start with the hit5 part. He clearly knows his FruityLoops, that much is for certain. But notice that he doesn't say *why* not to use it, nor does he really explain why it doesn't work. Had he given me the suggestion in a more constructive form, I might well have taken it seriously. But, of course, he didn't, leaving me wondering what's so bad about the darkness and depth of the sample that fits so nicely into the theme of the song.

And, of course, there's his use of the word "gay." It's important to note that - with me at least - whenever I see someone use that word in that way, it bumps my level of respect for them down a good five points. Use it all you want wherever else, but if you want me to take you seriously, adjust your vocabulary.

Now, I do realize that he also said the song kicks ass, and for that I'm perfectly happy. But considering he then proceeded treat me like some kind of subordinate, I can't say I really value his opinion.

In so few words, too...

So, the bottom line here is, people, that if you want to criticize my work, please for the love of pizza make it CONSTRUCTIVE. Give me a rundown on *why* certain parts of the song need improvement. Give me some insight. And treat me as your peer, not your employee. I do not respond well to being talked down to.

Rant over.

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 31st, 2007


My own attempt at a NewGrounds Halloween submission has been completed.

Magus' Midnight, a tribute to everyone's favourite Shadow magic-wielding psychopath, is now up. This one has a little ring of midnight/Halloween goodness, I like it for that. It also incorporates the slightest bit of Zeal... I thought it appropriate to trace him back to his roots a bit.

Needs a quick fix, though, which is rendering as I type.

Anyway, my next project - Secrets of the Sands - will be up as soon as I figure out which samples seem appropriate. Stay tuned!

EDIT: Fixed! W00t!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 27th, 2007

Lately I have been toying with an idea:

I want to do re-makes of two of my hit songs from last year: Masters of Chaos and Ultimate Zero.

Theoretically, the result of this tinkering would be basically the exact same melodies and baselines, but less tinny, less whiny, easier on the ears - more akin to the genre in which I did "Rubigamesh", "The Strike" and "Magus' Midnight" (soon to be posted).

I need to know whether you all think this is worth doing, so leave me comments, message me, whatever you want. If I don't hear anything about it, I'll probably do it.

Thank you! Make sure you tell me!!!!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 22nd, 2007

If anyone cares, today, the 22nd of October, is my birthday! :)

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 21st, 2007

It is finally finished!

Rubigamesh began months and months ago as a much simpler (and worse) mix of Gilgamesh's theme. Now, it has blossomed into the current achievement you now see below.

If you couldn't tell, I like it.

Here's hoping you all do!

Posted by bitium-ribbon - October 18th, 2007

Last night I decided that I would, indeed, re-do my Gilgamesh mix. I have begun this process, and it's a hell of a lot better than my original attempt, so I'm going to keep it. :)

It should be up and running in a matter of days.