So I decided that when in mixer's block, do something random. It pulled me back out of block when I was working on Biomechanics, and it may work now.
So, I give you Tetris Attitude, a sequel (of two or three) to Tetris Evolution. Don't ask me why I'm fascinated with the Tetris music - maybe it's some long-dormant Russian in me - but I am. It's good music, damn it all!
So anyway, Dancing Mad (or, Esperoid: A Tribute to Dancing Mad {if that'll fit}) is still coming along, still basically in the same stage as before... yeah. Hence, mixer's block. But hopefully that will come along soon. I'm attempting to save my fan fiction work for at school when I have nothing else to do and ideas flow freely.
So (and this is the fourth time I've started a paragraph with "so," I just realized), stay tuned, faithful fans and not-so-faithful fans and faithful hecklers and not-so-faithful hecklers alike. More is on the way!
- Ribbon